Friday, March 26, 2010

Easter Fun

Kitchen. This is what we have now. It cooks and is plumbed. Yay!

I bought these inexpensive shirts for the boys thinking it's the last year I probably can dress them alike. There are two perks. 1) The shirts are easy to spot for summer outings to the zoo etc.. 2) If I lose one child, I can tell security, "He looks just like this other child but smaller/bigger."

Take one.

Take two.
Take three.

Take four.

Take five.

Take six. HA!

And they continue to grow through Tuesday School. There are only four weeks left, which I'm very glad about.

And today! The Bowles hosted another playgroup Easter Party. It's always fun. We had to pick up our vacuum on that side of town, so it was good timing to be in the area.

4 Responses:

Sydni said...

Those matching-shirt-pictures just had me laughing and laughing. Siblings matching - mmmm, one of my favorite things. :) How nice that now you won't permanently lose one of them at the zoo or anywhere else when they wear them!! So sweet.

Nathan Kristine said...

Love those shirts! Thanks for coming over, we love your family.

JeremyNSunny said...

Ohhhhhh, what cutie-bugs you get to look at every day!!!!! I TOTALLY DIG the matching striped shirts! They are gorgeous and fun! Again, I appreciate your skill with the camera; you think to take pictures of the most fascinating, beautiful things. I barely think to take pictures at all.... :\

We have only ever had the opportunity to attend one Easter party; I remember it vividly because Natasha, then two years old then, missed her nap, caught a half-nap which made her worse-off than she would have been without one altogether and it was an awwwwful evening. *sigh*

In our home Easter is the ever-forgotten holiday. It's possible I have NOT EVEN ONCE remembered to plan a special menu or invite anyone over. Every year I just slap my forehead in fascination that I can seriously FORGET IT every year.... -wow-

The kitchen looks GREAT!!!!! Even better than I'd imagined it!! How do you like watching out the window while you RINSE DISHES to put in the dishwasher?? ;) Those floor tiles are BEAUTIFUL! You guys have done such a great job with it!! How much more to do 'til you can consider it complete??

The Free Tree said...

Thanks for ALL the compliments Sunny. I do like the dishwasher. Everytime someone new comes over, I make them stand there and watch while I push the 'wash' button. It's a GREAT invention; almost as good as the water heater.

The upper cabinets, microwave, trim, blinds and pantry door are lacking. But I can now cook and clean in there and no longer have to walk around the fridge in our dining area. Very good progress.