Sunday, November 9, 2008

Leftover Sweets

Still no pics. Wow.

Well, before I forget, a sweet thing Ranne said the other week as we drove home from the church meeting. We were looking at the sliver of a moon out the windows and he excitedly remarked, "We're taking it home with us!"

After visiting Aunt Dora on Friday, Toby called out: Bye, Aunt Doree.

Goodnight all. We'll try to get those pictures up for you soon.

2 Responses:

JeremyNSunny said...

Preciousness. I'm so thankful you post these bits of joy, even though they're small and might seem insignificat; a giggle absolutely BURST from my throat .5 second after I read Ranne's sweet comment. oooeee...!

Unknown said...

Yes I'm supposed to find our pics from halloween and I'm drawing a blank. Blank SD card that is. I'll find them! I hope!