Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Playful Normalcy

Brother time is good. Happy boys are great!

Please remember this picture. I thought they were filthy, though it was fun to let them be messy and 'into' their play.

When these yellow roses bloomed, we found petals all over the house and yard. Anything within Ranne-height was stripped and scattered. Scott encouraged him to leave petals on my pillow, which made it sweet and forgivable that our bushes were suddenly bare. These flowers are my 'Mother's Day' flowers, fresh and very fragrant.

Ladies Pedicure and Movie Night:
This was great. The ladies watched two chick-flicks, painting their nails wild and crazy colors (Briana branched out from her general cream polish to mauve!)

Zoo Trip:
All the walking tuckered this guy OUT. Or perhaps it was the apple, like Sleeping Beauty.

Cousins are great!

Uncle Brendan and Auntie Sarah


Around the CSC:
Kevin's visit brought many smiles from Trey. It was great!

These boys put themselves and me in Daddy's office for time-out. We're learning all over how to sit without being distracting. Trey's arrival seems to have made them think I'd be too busy to mind them. Perhaps so. ___________________________________
Okay, now THIS is messy. The next day, it got worse. All this sand down the bath drain is going to cause problems soon. An friend in the church was helping Scott with the electrical on our house. Ranne took advantage of the distraction to strip and make mud puddles with the garden hose. I was cleaning floors. UG!

CSC Summer Kick-Off Party
Calendar Review for Summer. It's going to be busy, wild.

What the boys do when everyone's busy. Great smile, Ranne.

Games til 1am!